What You Need to Know For Your First BJJ Class You can wear shorts and T-Shirt with sleeves or the appropriate gear for the day (Gi or Nogi check the schedule) if you already have it. Please wear a shirt under your Gi and change in the bathroom. Show up a little early to fill out paperwork, this won't take long. You must be clean and hygienic! Clip and file your nails, wear deodorant, and have a clean uniform. Bring flip flops or sandals. Never walk on the mats with shoes and never walk off the mats without them. Take off jewelry. Most classes usually have a warm up followed by the technique that is being taught that day and then positional and or free rolling/sparring. Brand new students may need to observe the roll/ spar the first several classes. You may also drill what you’ve learned. You are safe, we are not here to injure each other! We always take care of each other and never intentionally cause harm. Be a trustworthy partner! Come with an open mind for learning and take direction. Ask questions! Be patient with yourself, it takes time to learn the core skills. Have fun! Clean up after yourself and help clean the mats if you are able to. After class… drink water, eat something, wash your dirty uniform (every single time!) and get some rest Info, Content and Reference Videos Facebook: @GroundcontrolBJJ Instagram: ground_control_jiu_jitsu_ YouTube: Ground Control Jiu-Jitsu https://youtube.com/channel/UC63dtfuzpkJUHDYfdLIW0sw